♥JIAYE: I bet everyone can read that thing. (: I can luh. Whatever. But anyway, that bottle is so damn nice and i want my cap! My youth day present.

{lol really? =/ now that the colour is changed and its striked can it still be seen lol xD. so you read everything hur! anyway okay the bottle is nice thanks :D and its a christmas present hahaha!}
YINGZHI: omgosh the passage is giving me headaches=/
{hellohello yingzhi! and haha the compre? =X it caused me to sleep omg i hate it lahh! uk people gone luh ): }
leongying`: cheer up okay love, don't bother about these kinda people, they don't deserve to be even paid so much attention to. Cheerup & i hope we'll all see a happy emma tmr k!
{thankyou love! i'm feeling better now haha! ^^ yup i think i won't, rarr! thankyou again yeah, and hoho EVERYONE READING THIS GIVE LEONGYING YOUR SCARVES NOW! xD k seeyou tomorrow!♥ }
yumi: emmmamamamamaa!!! i wanna stab chinese! school sucks! and happy belated belated belated belated bday!!!^^
{mimimimimimi!! *stabs chinese for you* ahhh yes school sucks i'm like dyinggg! and thankyou again hahaha! i'm hugging the cute giraffe now haha! :D}
somehow i'm cheeredup by you all haha! ;D
so thanks its the SS horror now! =X
like jiayou in SS and chinese hoho, not done =.=
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